An assessment of 50Webs Web Hosting
We, at, have picked '50Webs Web Hosting' to be our present domain name and web hosting distributor. Hence we imagine that this succinct evaluation of '50Webs Web Hosting' is perchance going to be very helpful for other individuals from all around the World who need domain name and web hosting solutions. We state folks from all over the Globe, since the simple truth is that '50Webs Web Hosting' currently distributes domain and hosting services in multiple server farm sites: in the US (Chicago, IL), in Great Britain (Maidenhead, 20 miles outside London), in Sweden (Stockholm) and in Australia (Sydney). That way, encompassing virtually the entire Globe. At least as far as the Internet is concerned. So, here is what you could anticipate from '50Webs Web Hosting' in a nutshell:
Shared Web Site Hosting Accounts
The first thing we, at, have observed is the reasonable prices of the shared site hosting solutions delivered by '50Webs Web Hosting'. Shared doesn't seem very good, does it? Well, that's what it is called: shared web hosting. The good thing here is that the web page hosting accounts offered by '50Webs Web Hosting' are driven by an in-house invented, advanced cloud web hosting solution (each web hosting service, like email, databases, website hosting CP, disk storage, DNS, stats, etc., is being served by an autonomous set of servers in a cluster). This is a circumstance EVERY cPanel web hosting company in the World will have enormous predicaments with, since cPanel is a one-server based webspace hosting platform (each hosting service, like email, databases, site hosting CP, disk storage, DNS, statistics, etc., is being run on a single hosting server), cPanel is not open source (hence the cPanel-based hosting companies are unable to add extra functionality and manipulate it the way they need it) and there is no open source file platform (they must make their own file system), which is the precondition of any cloud web hosting service. Let's return to the shared site hosting accounts, which are driven by a real cloud website hosting platform. With a shared web hosting account, each customer pays just for his/her plan, thus retaining the website hosting price very low (because numerous customers use the same server). To cut a long story short, a shared hosting account, which is hosted on a clustered web site hosting system, allows you to pay only for the resources that you indeed require, escaping a situation where you pay for a feature-rich webspace hosting account that you cannot really utilize, or for a tiny web hosting package that cannot accommodate your site. The option to upgrade your account from one package to another with just 2 clicks of the mouse grants you the flexibility to kick off with a small package and upgrade as your web site grows. Thus, you economize cash that you can expend on promoting the web site while it is still new. Each web space hosting account supplied by '50Webs Web Hosting' comes with an online website building tool and more than 40 popular script software platforms such as WordPress, Joomla, Zen Cart and Moodle that will save you 100s of dollars for site design solutions. '50Webs Web Hosting' distributes shared web page hosting services in several different regions across the Globe. There is one server farm in Chicago covering the United States of America and Canada; 2 European data centers - in Britain and in Scandinavia; and another one in Australia, which encompasses the Asia Pacific. Thus, approximately the entire World is encompassed to present you and your visitors with a steady and dependable web hosting solution at a convenient place. Altogether, the shared hosting packages furnished '50Webs Web Hosting' are really well furnished and are available at a low-cost price (beginning from $0.00 for the Free package).